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Ludhiana man shot at in broad daylight

A 25-year-old man was shot at by a group of assailants near railway crossing in Abdullapur Basti on Monday evening. The victim, who had recently returned from abroad, had allegedly sided with the accused’s rivals at a police station following a clash on Sunday. The assailants nursed a rivalry against him.
The victim suffered two bullet injuries, on his thigh and stomach, and has been rushed to a private hospital. On being informed, police reached the spot and initiated an investigation.
The victim has been identified as Gurpreet Singh. He was living abroad and returned home a few days ago for the treatment of spinal cord.
Victim’s father Nirver Singh said that two groups had a violent scuffle in the area on Sunday night. His son Gurpreet on Monday accompanied one of the groups to the police station for lodging a complaint, for which the rival group nursed a rivalry against his son.
Nirver added that when his son was near Railway crossing on Monday evening, the accused turned up and opened fire at him. After pumping two bullets in his body, the accused escaped.
He added that he rushed his son to hospital, where his condition has been stated to be serious.
Assistant commissioner of police (ACP Civil Lines) Jatin Bansal said that some of the accused have been identified and police will arrest them soon.
