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Andrew Tate arrested on UK warrant over sex abuse claims

‘King of toxic masculinity’ due to appear at Bucharest appeal court alongside his brother, Tristan

Social media influencer Andrew Tate and his brother Tristan have been arrested in Romania over UK sex offence charges.
A European arrest warrant issued by British police was implemented by officers in Bucharest on Monday over charges dating from 2012 to 2015.
A Romanian police spokesman said: “On March 11, at around 11.15pm, police officers implemented two European arrest warrants, issued by the judicial authorities in Great Britain, for committing sexual crimes, exploiting some people on the territory of Great Britain.”
Andrew Tate, 37, and Tristan, 35, deny all allegations against them. Their representatives said in a statement that they were “fully committed to challenging these accusations with unwavering determination and resolve”.
“They categorically reject all charges and express profound disappointment that such serious allegations are being resurrected without substantial new evidence,” the statement added.
They are due before the Bucharest Court of Appeal on Tuesday for a decision on whether the warrant issued by Westminster magistrates’ court should be executed – a move that could trigger an extradition process.
The brothers are already facing rape and human trafficking charges in Romania, where they live on the outskirts of the capital.
They had previously been in jail and later held under house arrest since being detained in December 2022.
They won an appeal in August 2023 to be released from house arrest as they await trial but were ordered not to leave Romania.
The brothers were charged alongside two Romanian women who are accused of being part of an organised crime group.
It is alleged all four formed a human trafficking ring in 2021 – committing offences in Romania and other countries, including the UK and the United States.
Born in Washington DC but brought up in Luton, Bedfordshire, Andrew Tate is a former kick-boxer and Big Brother contestant who gained millions of fans on social media after styling himself as the “King of toxic masculinity”.
